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Why to optimize my listings?

Over 60 million products are sold on Etsy, and more than 2 million sellers are on the platform. That’s a pretty large marketplace. If you have a new product getting sales or positive reviews that will drive sales on Etsy can be a nightmare. That’s why you need to optimize your Etsy listings to make them more visible to potential customers. Remember, more product visibility means more sales and reviews.

“The first page of search results generates 83% of the search purchases.”

Mike Fisher, Chief Technical Officer, Etsy.com. Source. 

Our Ranking Services

At EtsyGeeks, we provide the following services:

  • Ranking new products. If you have a new product, its visibility on Etsy is likely low. We can help well rank your product immediately for you to make your first sale.

  • Ranking existing products. EtsyGeeks can position your products among the top 15 in its niche. This high ranking will make your product visible to potential customers and drive sales.

  • Maintain product ranking. To enjoy stable sales continuously ranking well on Etsy is vital. We will use relevant product keywords to ensure you always rank top in your niche.

Potential Effects

  • Product awareness. We guarantee using the services we provide more people will get to know about your product. So, with EtsyGeeks, product visibility is not something you have to worry about.

  • More sales. With more people aware of your product you should expect your sales to go up. Be prepared to capitalize on your visibility by offering customers the best service.

  • More reviews. Product reviews help potential buyers decide whether to buy from you. With your increased visibility and sales, expect more people to share their experience using your product.

How Will These Results Be Achieved?

How we get your products to rank in the Etsy top ten is something you may be concerned about. We want to assure you that we use proven and ethical techniques to boost your products rankings. There is no hacking involved in this process, or any other technique which is prohibited by law. Just as with optimising for Google, we will optimise your listing in such a way so that the search algorithm will favor your listing over another.

Ready to give us a try? Order now.

Just consider the amount of sales you could generate if you would rank top 15 for the keywords you desire!

Order Form Options

We offer two options:

The basic, most popular option is to buy a monthly Etsy Boosting Service package, which guarantees that we rank you top 15 and keep you there for as long as your subscription is active as read here.

The alternative is to buy a one-time Etsy Boosting Service package. This might be suitable for new clients who are still not sure about our service.

  • This option guarantees that we rank you top 15, but it does not guarantee you that we keep you there for the full duration of your subscription.
  • In other words: We ensure you rank top 15, but we take our hands off it afterwards.
  • So this one-time service is ideal for clients who want to see actual proof of our ability to optimize and rank your listing.

Note: Per keyword extra you pay just 10 USD extra per month! So in order to rank on an additional keyword, you pay almost nothing extra.

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