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Request a refund

In some cases, we may not be able to meet our guarantees. In that case, your campaign was free.

Fill out the form below to request your refund!

When are you eligible for a refund?

  • We keep internal daily rankings of your product and update you weekly, so you can see the progress yourself

  • If we do not rank any of your keywords on the rank guarantee position we have issued during your 30-day campaign, you can request your money back via this page

  • This is per period of 30 days. So if you purchase 3 months, you have the guarantee from day 1 to 30, 31 to 60 and 61 to 90 that we rank at least 1 of your specified keywords in the top

  • In practice, we often see that rankings rise fairly evenly, which means that often all keywords will rank higher.
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