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Elevate Your Etsy Shop

Inspiring Success Stories and Proven Strategies for Boosting Your Rankings

We’re going to tell you about clients who placed their Etsy products in our hands. Our achievements convinced them once and for all why Etsy Geeks is the place to go for guaranteed top ranking in Etsy listings. We’ll get your product to the top, whatever your competition. Or your money back.

Boost high competition keywords for top Etsy product ranking

Category: Case Studies | Client A

Campaign Date: October 17, 2022

Client A’s brief was simple: high product ranking for an Etsy Christmas product ready for the November rush.

This order came in on 17th October, and its Christmas long-tail keywords were already high in the competitor charts. Especially in terms of US keywords.

We were given a month to rank our client’s product. No easy feat, considering every keyword’s competition level was high - 1 of >100k, and 2 over 250k.

Our success started on day 4; however, we weren’t happy with the consistency of this ranking. After all, that initial success has a lot to do with the new listing boost Etsy provides to many of its newer sellers. As expected, especially for high competition keywords, the product position dropped on day 6. It was up to Etsy Geeks to figure out why, and determine how we could achieve top 15 Etsy product ranking for client A, as promised.

It took a little time, using in-house tools and expertise, to find out what was stopping this particular Etsy Christmas product from racing to the top of the ranking charts.

 How much time did Etsy Geeks need to push client A’s product back to the top?

Just under a week.

By day 14, our Etsy SEO magic had ranked all of client A’s Christmas keywords - but not to the top 15.

Instead, we got the product into the top 6, achieving consistent top ranking results without the need for expensive festive Etsy Ads. In fact, this client’s products regularly achieved a position in the top 2.

We didn’t need the full month to successfully fulfill client A’s request above and beyond all expectations.

Because, as Etsy Geeks, we know exactly what we’re doing.


Contributing Writer

Testing the effects of the Etsy Geeks Free Trial on medium competition keywords

Category: Case Studies | Client B

Campaign Date: October 5, 2022

Client B took advantage of our 14-day free trial on October 5th, wanting its medium competition keywords to rank high within this two week window.

Our Geeks made good on their promise. In fact, they achieved top 2 ranking for client B within 48 hours. But as anyone who’s sold on Etsy knows, staying at the top requires longer-term commitment and a lot of know-how.

What’s longer term?

At Etsy Geeks, about 3 days!

By October 11th, we’d nailed it. For the next 5 days, we kept Client B’s product in the top 2 of the Etsy results page. Oh, we should add that for 4 of those 5 days, that product was in pole position. Not bad going for a freebie!

Testing the effects of the Etsy Geeks Free Trial on high competition (US) keywords

Category: Case Studies | Client C

Campaign Date: October 26, 2022

When you use the keyword “gift” on a global online marketplace like Etsy, you’re in for some stiff competition. Client C had had little success getting her products noticed before signing up for the Etsy Geeks free trial.

As the product was listed under the freakishly competitive Etsy jewelry category, we really had our work cut out.

Client C placed her free order on 26th October.

By the end of that month - just 5 days later - we achieved consistent number 1 ranking on Etsy for our client’s product for 6 days in a row.

This is an achievement worth shouting about.


Our in-depth knowledge bridged that initial (and extremely brief) Etsy ‘new product’ ranking boost. And we did this for a product listed in one of Etsy’s most popular categories.

Dodging that sudden slump after the added algorithm weight of a new listing gives way to fresher competitor listings takes true expertise. The type of exclusive online marketplace expertise we have built upon over the years.

By the end of this free trial, Etsy Geeks had convinced client C of its Etsy SEO powers.

Etsy Geeks Case Studies Series: T-Shirt Client 

Category: Case studies

Mar 9, 2021

As more and more Etsy sellers are hearing about our service, we thought it would be time to share a little success story with our readers.

In this blog article, we’ll be looking at an Etsy seller who sells t-shirts.

How it got started

This client ordered to boost four of her listings which sell t-shirts. We cannot divulge the exact keywords and products, as we keep our clients data private. However, we can share the results.

After 14 days, this client has seen consistent top 15 rankings for two of it’s keywords, and top 30 for it’s third keyword.


As you can see in our screenshot, the client is ranking well, especially in the US region. We keep track of clients rankings in different countries (‘geo’s’), as these can differ based on shipping locations.

Note: When a shop sells a product from the US to another country, they usually rank worse in that country localised Etsy search results.

This client has been very happy with the results, generating good profits. Though our client didn’t share exact profit details, the client has been happy to inform us that she will renew her orders as long as these rankings stick.


These results don’t stand for themselves. We have around 120 clients, where-as almost all are seeing good rankings. Some don’t rank well due to too high levels of competition. In that case, we will contact you regarding your order and find a solution together.

If you’re interested in seeing similar good rankings, simply contact us or order directly on our website, we’re happy to help!

Etsy Geeks Case Studies Series: A Jewelry Client

Category: Case studies

Mar 25, 2021

As more and more clients join our service, we are happy to see that good results keep being realised. In order to show you what our service can deliver, we have decided to release some success stories.

Here is a case study of one successful seller on Etsy which we have helped in the past months:

Category: Jewelry

  • Sale price: $ 19.82
  • Sellers location: UK

Rankings on average p/month:

  • Without EtsyGeeks optimization: #21
  • With EtsyGeeks optimization: #2

Revenues p/month:

  • Without EtsyGeeks optimization: $ 189,00
  • With EtsyGeeks optimization: $ 955,00

*Seller expects to grow to $ 1250,00 in sales p/month in the coming months.

Success Stories

"Compared to Etsy Ads, Etsy Geeks Services has a way better ROI!"

Category: Etsy Geeks Success Stories

Jun 1, 2022

Hi Nils! Please introduce your Etsy shop and tell us your story. How did you begin and decide on what to sell on Etsy?

I started my shop, Art Of Your Mind, Co, over a year ago because I wanted to fulfil my dream of creating and selling my Art. It’s a hobby turned into a small business now.

What was your reason for trying Etsy Geeks services? What frustrated you the most before you decided to give it a try?

Etsy has very good sides and also some frustrating ones. The offer on Etsy is wide, confusing, and to stand out with so many other sellers is very hard. Etsy Geeks services allows me to rank my products on top pages for specific keywords, and be seen. If you products aren’t seen, you have no chance to sell. Compared to Etsy Ads, Etsy Geeks Services has a way better ROI!

How long did it take for you to see the first results?

It takes a month maximum to see results and sales after ordering the service. SEO takes time, so you need to be a little patient. But it’s not that bad!

What would you say to other people thinking of trying Etsy Geeks services?

Give it a try, on keywords that have traffic, and you will see your products on top pages, and then sales coming your way!

Positive reviews from awesome customers like Nils help other Etsy sellers to feel confident about choosing Etsy Geeks. We hope this interview will help you make in making informed decisions about your Etsy shop. Ready to give us a try? Check out our affordable Etsy service here and we can start the journey to make your Etsy shop a success!

"We started seeing results within just a few days of starting the campaign."

Category: Etsy Geeks Success Stories

May 16, 2022

Hi Gary! Please introduce your Etsy shop and tell us your story. How did you begin and decide on what to sell on Etsy?

Launched in 2020 during Covid. We make custom wood maps for any address around the world. The decision to sell on Etsy was to reach our niche clientele who are seeking personalized wood maps. We had previously had two other businesses on Etsy that we had sold and knew Etsy was a great way to launch the product.  

What was your reason for trying Etsy Geeks services? What frustrated you the most before you decided to give it a try?

The decision to try Etsy geeks was reading about the service through other sellers. We were frustrated with constantly losing our position in the listing due to a large number of competitors and copycat sellers.  

How long did it take for you to see the first results?

We started seeing results within just a few days of starting the campaign. Our positioning remained constant throughout the campaign.

What would you say to other people thinking of trying Etsy Geeks services?

I would say give it a try! We have been very pleased with the results and have expanded our number of campaigns. The results have more than paid for the service.

Positive reviews from awesome customers like Gary help other Etsy sellers to feel confident about choosing Etsy Geeks. We hope this interview will help you make in making informed decisions about your Etsy shop. Ready to give us a try? Check out our affordable Etsy service here and we can start the journey to make your Etsy shop a success!

“Once I started Etsy Geeks, I started to see results after about two weeks!”

Category: Etsy Geeks Success Stories

Apr 20, 2022

Hi, Kelly! Please introduce your Etsy shop and tell us your story. How did you begin and decide on what to sell on Etsy?

Hello to everyone! My Etsy shop is named Very ImPRESSionable. I specialize in custom, handmade tumblers, mugs, tote bags, t-shirts and more. What started out as a fun hobby, has turned into a passion of mine. I use the process of dye sublimation, which is the act of heating ink that is in a solid state until it turns to a gas state. Once this happens, the ink joins permanently with the substrate. I use only the highest quality materials to make each item.

I love what I do and I love making people happy! I started my Etsy shop in January of 2022. I had plans of starting it the year before, but I found out I had cancer, had surgery and went through treatment. That did not stop me from opening up my shop, but just delayed me a bit! I am very determined!

What was your reason for trying Etsy Geeks services? What frustrated you the most before you decided to give it a try?

I wanted to try Etsy Geeks to see if I could get a few of my items boosted. There is a lot of competition in the category of items that I sell and I wanted to see if I could increase traffic to my site. Before I tried Etsy Geeks I was most frustrated with the sporadic sales I was getting on Etsy. One week I would get a good amount of sales and the next week there would be no sales at all.

How long did it take for you to see the first results?

The decision to try Etsy geeks was reading about the service through other sellers. We were frustrated with constantly losing our position in the listing due to a large number of competitors and copycat sellers.  

What would you say to other people thinking of trying Etsy Geeks services?

I would definitely give Etsy Geeks a try. They use several different methods to draw more people to your shop. Etsy is a very hard market to break into, it’s very competitive and Etsy Geeks gives you that extra boost to get noticed.

Positive reviews from awesome customers like Kelly help other Etsy sellers to feel confident about choosing Etsy Geeks. We hope this interview will help you make in making informed decisions about your Etsy shop. Ready to give us a try? Check out our affordable Etsy service here and we can start the journey to make your Etsy shop a success!

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